Moorea - Circling a Beautiful Island
Published on 29 August 2022

In his latest blog post, Dale Dunlop, The Maritime Explorer, travels by bus along the highway that circumscribes the island of Moorea – Circling a Beautiful Island. If you are interested in what Adventures Abroad has to offer, please check out our Small Group Tours.

In the last post on Adventures Abroad, French Polynesia Tour, we got out on the waters off Moorea with internationally renowned dolphin researcher Dr. Michael Poole. Aside from watching spinner dolphins, we got to see what an incredibly beautiful island Moorea is, particularly with views like this of Mount Rotui, the razor sharper peak that is Polynesia's answer to the Matterhorn.

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Switzerland with Adventures Abroad

13 Day Switzerland Tour — TOUR CODE: XSW 13 Day Switzerland Tour
Published on 29 July 2022

In his latest blog post, Dale Dunlop, The Maritime Explorer, goes to Europe on a two-week walking tour of Switzerland with Adventures Abroad. If you are interested in what Adventures Abroad has to offer, please check out our Small Group Tours.

Alison and I have just returned from our latest overseas excursion, a two-week walking/hiking tour of Switzerland with Adventures Abroad which was quite a departure from our previous trip on a passenger/freighter in French Polynesia. The two trips could not have been more different in every aspect but one, we loved them both. What follows are nine reasons why I highly recommend this tour to anyone who is reasonably fit and has an interest in exploring what just might be the best-run country on this planet. After that, I'll try to answer some of the questions I had before signing on to this tour.

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Goreme Open Air Museum

18 Day Western Turkey Tour — TOUR CODE: TW4 18 Day Western Turkey Tour
Published on 27 July 2022

In his latest blog post, Dale Dunlop, The Maritime Explorer, delves deeper into what makes Cappadocia a truly unique place to visit, Goreme Open Air Museum. If you are interested in what Adventures Abroad has to offer, please check out our Small Group Tours.

In the last post from this Adventures Abroad, Western Turkey Tour, our group finally arrived at the fairy tale landscape of Cappadocia. We had an all too brief and tantalizing look at the landforms that are unique to this region of Turkey, both for their distinctive shapes and for the uses that mankind has made of them. In this post we'll take a deeper dive into what makes Cappadocia a must visit destination for all world travellers, focusing on the Goreme Open Air Museum. Please join us on what should be a fascinating day.

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Dolphin Watch with Dr. Michael Poole
Published on 22 July 2022

In his latest blog post, Dale Dunlop, The Maritime Explorer, goes on an exciting excursion in search of the Spinner dolphin with world-renowned expert Dr Michael Poole. If you are interested in what Adventures Abroad has to offer, please check out our Small Group Tours.

In the last post, our Adventures Abroad, French Polynesia Tour took a fast ferry to the beautiful island of Moorea and began our stay at the excellent Manava Beach Resort. In this post, we'll begin exploring the island and its marine inhabitants from the comfort of a boat that has come to pick us up at the resort's wharf. However, this will be no ordinary boat ride as it will be led by a man who is a legend in the South Pacific for his relentless efforts to preserve the marine ecosystems that are among the most diverse on the planet. I am referring to Dr. Michael Poole who is to dolphins and whales what Jane Goodall is to chimpanzees. In fact, he has based his decades-long study of dolphins and whales on her model of staying essentially in one location to learn as much as possible about the species in that area, in particular spinner dolphins. Please join us as we head out for a dolphin watch on what I am sure will be one of the highlights of this trip.

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Cappadocia - Where and What Is It

18 Day Western Turkey Tour — TOUR CODE: TW4 18 Day Western Turkey Tour
Published on 22 July 2022

In his latest blog post, Dale Dunlop, The Maritime Explorer, sets off for a destination that has been on his list to visit for many years, Cappadocia - Where & What Is It. If you are interested in what Adventures Abroad has to offer, please check out our Small Group Tours.

We are well on in our Adventures Abroad, Western Turkey Tour led by the indomitable Yasemin Reis and today we will finally reach the fabled region known as Cappadocia, a destination I have wanted to visit for many years. Much of what we have seen so far on this trip has been a repeat of previous visits for Alison and me, but not Cappadocia. In this first of several posts, I will try to explain where Cappadocia actually is within Turkey and why its landscape is so famous.

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Manava Beach Resort - Heaven in Moorea
Published on 12 July 2022

In his latest blog post, Dale Dunlop, The Maritime Explorer, offers up a wonderful insight into Manava Beach Resort - Heaven in Moorea. If you are interested in what Adventures Abroad has to offer, please check out our Small Group Tours.

This is my first post from one of the most beautiful places on earth, the island of Moorea in French Polynesia. In the last post, I concluded the circle tour of Tahiti as our Adventures Abroad group ended the day at the site where Captain Cook and later the H.M.S. Bounty set anchor off Venus Point. It is now time to move on from Tahiti to its sister island of Moorea which I have been looking at for the last four days from the Te Moana Resort. It is alluring, to say the least. We will be staying at the Manava Beach Resort in Moorea and if it's as nice as the Te Moana then our group is in for a real treat. Please join us to find out.

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