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13 Days
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13 Day Switzerland Tour
Countries Visited: 1 Activity Level: 3 Tour Style: Active
HIGHLIGHT: Walking in the Engadine - St. Moritz Valley; Train journey on the famous Glacier Express; Hikes at the foot of the Matterhorn; Jungfrau Region,…
TOUR END: Zurich
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Countries Visited: 1

Activity Level: 3

These tours are considerably more strenuous than our Level 1 & 2 "cultural" tours and feature walks/hikes on undulating and uneven pathways for 3-7 hours at a leisurely pace. We don't hike every day, but participants should be fit and active and accustomed to trail walking, possibly in remote locations, and be prepared to engage in a conditioning regimen prior to the trip. Altitude may also be a factor on some tours, though none of our hiking tours currently occur above 3000m/10,000 ft. These are hotel-based tours with no camping, and you are required to only carry what you need for the day.

To learn more about the Activity levels, please visit our page.
Tour Style: Active

This small series of itineraries are more physical than our Cultural Journeys, as all feature hiking/walking excursions that are an integral part of the overall experience. As with our cultural tours, all of these tours feature three- and four-star hotels (no camping), and all hikes are designed such that you need only carry your day pack — your luggage either stays at our hotel base or is transported ahead for us. Our active days are well-spaced with time set aside for either travel or more leisurely cultural activities and sightseeing.

To learn more about the Tour Styles, please visit our page.
14 Days
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Switzerland Tour
Countries Visited: 1 Activity Level: 2 Tour Style: Cultural
HIGHLIGHT: Scenic train trip to Interlaken; Spectacular Jungfrau day excursion; Lucerne town tour; Zermatt and the Matterhorn; Famous Glacier Express to St…
TOUR END: Zurich
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Countries Visited: 1

Activity Level: 2

These are particularly busy tours that feature a lot of moving around, sometimes by train and short journeys on local transport. Walking tours of towns and cities are leisurely but you should be prepared to be on your feet for several hours. Some of our cultural trips that occur at high altitude and/or require greater independence with baggage handling (at hotels, airports, train stations) also fall into this category.

To learn more about the Activity levels, please visit our page.
Tour Style: Cultural

These three- and four-star hotel-based, "soft adventure" trips concentrate on the culture, history, and natural attributes of our destination. Though there are no strenuous activities built into these tours, you need to be prepared for some full days with some early starts, plenty of walking on uneven surfaces through villages, cities and archaeological sites, and not a lot of "down time." Independence, reasonable fitness, and an ability to be steady on one's feet are critical in order for you to get the most out of these programs.

To learn more about the Tour Styles, please visit our page.
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What You'll See
What You'll See
Serene beauty meets medieval history. Glacier-cut mountain peaks from the Alps lock in Switzerland and compete for its skyline. Across the Swiss Plateau, Alpine marmots skitter over grassy flatlands as mountain dwellers sound the trumpet-like harmonics of alphorns. Come and explore the wonders of Switzerland!
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Serene beauty meets medieval history. Glacier-cut mountain...
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What you'll see
Serene beauty meets medieval history. Glacier-cut mountain peaks from the Alps lock in Switzerland and compete for its skyline. Across the Swiss Plateau, Alpine marmots skitter over grassy flatlands as mountain dwellers sound the trumpet-like harmonics of alphorns. Come and explore the wonders of Switzerland!
Exciting Videos of
Serene beauty meets medieval history. Glacier-cut mountain...
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Tour Leaders
Tour Leaders for Switzerland Tours
With only 18 travellers on your Adventures Abroad Switzerland Tour, you’ll receive more personalized attention from your guide and can explore at a leisurely pace. Some of our tour leaders who have led these tours.
Pam Schewe Pam spent many years working in radio broadcasting in Vancouver but decided that instead of working in order to travel, she would be much happier traveling for work. The only real difference between the two careers is that now she can tell immediately when her jokes are not funny. “Is this mic on…??” Read More
Chris Tripodi Chris travels because it is the most interesting thing he can think of doing between meals. Anyone can buy a plane ticket, but helping a country come alive through its people, sights, culture, cuisine and customs is what Adventures Abroad is all about. Chris enjoys the inevitable challenges, the unforgettable moments, the warm people, the stories shared, the memories made, and every single morsel of each tour. Read More
Jonathan Hodgson Jonathan has lived much of his life dedicated to the idea that he would rather have a wealth of experiences than a wealth of riches. Having taken up a nomadic lifestyle shortly after finishing his undergraduate degree, he has been on the move on and off over the last 25+ years. The wanderlust has taken him to basing himself in places such as Scotland, Australia and Uzbekistan, and to visiting many more locations around our planet. Now (sort of) settled in Vancouver with his wonderful (and patient) family, he still loves the idea of having the world as his office and always enjoys trying to capture the essence of the locations he travels and tours in with his photography. Read More
Martin Charlton For as long as I can remember I have always had a deep-rooted need to travel and discover new places. Today I feel incredibly fortunate to have spent almost three decades researching, organizing and leading tours worldwide. Read More
Victor Romagnoli I love the excitement of getting up each morning on a tour and not knowing exactly how a day will unfold. It keeps me on my toes so to speak, and adds a breath of excitement to each day on tour. With almost 30 years of tour leading under my belt, I thank all of you for being a part of this exciting journey. Read More
More Tour Leaders
Tour Leaders Switzerland
With only 18 travellers on your Adventures Abroad Switzerland Tour, you’ll receive more personalized attention from your guide and can explore at a leisurely pace. Some of our tour leaders who have led these tours.
Pam Schewe Pam spent many years working in radio broadcasting in Vancouver but decided that instead of working in order to travel, she would be much happier traveling for work. The only real difference between the two careers is that now she can tell immediately when her jokes are not funny. “Is this mic on…??” Read More
Chris Tripodi Chris travels because it is the most interesting thing he can think of doing between meals. Anyone can buy a plane ticket, but helping a country come alive through its people, sights, culture, cuisine and customs is what Adventures Abroad is all about. Chris enjoys the inevitable challenges, the unforgettable moments, the warm people, the stories shared, the memories made, and every single morsel of each tour. Read More
Jonathan Hodgson Jonathan has lived much of his life dedicated to the idea that he would rather have a wealth of experiences than a wealth of riches. Having taken up a nomadic lifestyle shortly after finishing his undergraduate degree, he has been on the move on and off over the last 25+ years. The wanderlust has taken him to basing himself in places such as Scotland, Australia and Uzbekistan, and to visiting many more locations around our planet. Now (sort of) settled in Vancouver with his wonderful (and patient) family, he still loves the idea of having the world as his office and always enjoys trying to capture the essence of the locations he travels and tours in with his photography. Read More
Martin Charlton For as long as I can remember I have always had a deep-rooted need to travel and discover new places. Today I feel incredibly fortunate to have spent almost three decades researching, organizing and leading tours worldwide. Read More
Victor Romagnoli I love the excitement of getting up each morning on a tour and not knowing exactly how a day will unfold. It keeps me on my toes so to speak, and adds a breath of excitement to each day on tour. With almost 30 years of tour leading under my belt, I thank all of you for being a part of this exciting journey. Read More
Frequently Asked Questions
01. Do you need a visa to travel to Switzerland?
U.S. travellers and European residents do not require a visa to enter and exit Switzerland, provided your intended visit is for 90 days or less. Passports or EU identity cards are still required from all countries, no matter your duration of stay.
02. Is Switzerland safe?
Switzerland is considered one of the safest countries in Europe for both travellers and residents. Violent crimes are almost unheard of, though tourists are considered prime targets for petty crimes. Pickpockets and cell phone theft have risen, but take the proper precautions to secure your belongings before going out, and you should be fine.
03. When is the best time to visit Switzerland
If you want to walk the cobblestone paths and get in your fill of hiking trails, the best times to visit Switzerland are April-June or September-October, when the weather is warm but not hot, and the tourist numbers are low. If you’re going for the ski slopes or to participate in other winter sports, the best time to visit is January-February, when snow is guaranteed.
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