Mount Rigi - Queen of the Mountains

13 Day Switzerland Tour — TOUR CODE: XSW 13 Day Switzerland Tour
Published on 24 March 2023

In his latest blog post, Dale Dunlop, The Maritime Explorer, shares his penultimate day on his Switzerland tour as he hikes Mount Rigi - Queen of the Mountains. If you are interested in what Adventures Abroad has to offer, please check out our Small Group Tours to Switzerland.

This is my penultimate post from the fantastic June 2022 trip to Switzerland with Adventures Abroad, led by our good friend and Tour Leader Victor Romagnoli. It is listed as one of the company's Top 10 favourite tours and it has lived up to that standard in every way. In the last post, I made some suggestions for exploring the wonderful city of Lucerne. In this post, we'll hop on a boat and motor along this magical lake to Vitznau where we will board one of Europe's oldest funicular railways for the journey up to the summit of Mount Rigi from where we will make our way back down at a leisurely pace. It promises to be another wonderful day in Switzerland and I hope you'll come along to enjoy it.

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Kicker Rock - San Cristobal by Boat

Experiential 14 Day Ecuador Tour — TOUR CODE: EC11 Experiential 14 Day Ecuador Tour
Published on 9 March 2023

In his latest blog post, Dale Dunlop, The Maritime Explorer, spots some of the most unique wildlife as he ventures to Kicker Rock - San Cristobal by Boat. If you are interested in what Adventures Abroad has to offer, please check out our Small Group Tours to Switzerland.

In the last post on this Adventures Abroad Experiental tour of Ecuador, we landed on the Galapagos Island of San Cristobal and immediately were immersed in the amazing wildlife for which the archipelago is so famous. In this post, we'll board a small boat and continue to look for more unique species on land and sea with a special stop to snorkel at legendary Kicker Rock. Please join us.

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Exploring Lucerne - What You Can’t Miss

13 Day Switzerland Tour — TOUR CODE: XSW 13 Day Switzerland Tour
Published on 6 March 2023

In his latest blog post, Dale Dunlop, The Maritime Explorer, has free time after his tour and will be Exploring Lucerne - What You Can’t Miss. If you are interested in what Adventures Abroad has to offer, please check out our Small Group Tours to Switzerland.

In the last post from this Adventures Abroad hiking/walking tour of Switzerland, we arrived in the beautiful city of Lucerne and joined city native Yvonne Bieder on a walking tour of the older parts of the city including the two famous covered bridges. In this post we'll continue exploring Lucerne by visiting a few more must see sights including the city walls, the Lion of Lucerne and the wonderful Rosengart art gallery. Afterwards, I'll make some restaurant recommendations. Please join us in what promises to be a fun time.

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San Cristobal - Where Evolution was Born

Experiential 14 Day Ecuador Tour — TOUR CODE: EC11 Experiential 14 Day Ecuador Tour
Published on 27 February 2023

In his latest blog post, Dale Dunlop, The Maritime Explorer, fulfills a childhood ambition to travel the Galapagos Islands, he starts his travels at San Cristobal - Where Evolution was Born. If you are interested in what Adventures Abroad has to offer, please check out our Small Group Tours to Ecuador.

I've been waiting almost my entire life to visit the Galapagos Islands and today that is finally going to happen. I know I'm dating myself, but my fascination with this unique archipelago goes all the way back to the 1960s when the CBC (that's Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for those who aren't Canucks) aired a five part series on the new science program The Nature of Things. Believe it or not, this iconic show was not always hosted by David Suzuki, but rather by the much more circumspect and reasonable Lister Sinclair. The expedition to what was then a rarely visited place was a big deal and even included the legendary Roger Tory Peterson. It was the first time most people, myself included, had ever seen colour footage of the remarkable wildlife on the Galapagos and it was sensational. The CBC even put out a book to accompany the series, Darwin and the Galapagos and I still have it today. In this first post, we'll visit the island of San Cristobal which is where Charles Darwin first stepped foot on the Galapagos and spent time observing the many endemic species to be found there. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Theory of Evolution had its birthplace on this remote island.

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Lucerne - Switzerland’s Nicest City?

13 Day Switzerland Tour — TOUR CODE: XSW 13 Day Switzerland Tour
Published on 24 February 2023

In his latest blog post, Dale Dunlop, The Maritime Explorer, has much much to wonder about after visiting the various places in Switzerland and he tries to decide if Lucerne - Switzerland’s Nicest City? If you are interested in what Adventures Abroad has to offer, please check out our Small Group Tours to Switzerland.

Since landing in Geneva over two weeks ago, Alison and I have been blown away by the efficiency of the Swiss transportation system and even more so by the absolute liveability and beauty of its cities, towns and villages. It is very difficult to choose a favourite among the major cities of Geneva, Basel and Zurich and even harder between the smaller places like St. Moritz, Zermatt, Interlaken and Wengen. The combination of modern and medieval is definitely a winner. I honestly thought the places we had already visited could not be topped and then along came Lucerne. In this post, we'll take a walking tour of the city. In the next, I'll visit some other places not on the walking tour and between the two I'll try to explain why Lucerne is one of the nicest cities I've ever visited.

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Death in the Afternoon

21 Day Uganda Tour, Rwanda & Kenya — TOUR CODE: UG2 21 Day Uganda Tour, Rwanda & Kenya
Published on 22 February 2023

Rick and Debbie Boyd live in Kelowna, BC. They have always enjoyed traveling, consider themselves lucky to be able to do it, and never return home without being very grateful that they live in such a wonderful country as Canada! This travel post features their experience on Adventures Abroad's tour to Uganda, Rwanda & Kenya (Tour Code: UG2). It is their third trip to Africa and their second trip with Adventures Abroad.

On Safari In East Africa

Cruising along game trails on Kenya’s Maasai Mara, our vehicle approached a small herd of gazelles just as two jackals made their move. We watched intently as they burst from the savannah grass towards their target: a baby gazelle and its mother. They moved with deadly speed and accuracy. One seized the baby by the neck; the other flew at the mother. Desperate for her fawn, mama dodged back and forth to rescue it, but the guard jackal blocked her with slashing fangs. The struggle was over in seconds….mama circled helplessly, clearly in distress, while the jackals devoured the fawn. We watched from our vehicle, stunned.

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