Sossusvlei Namibia - Wondrous Sand Dunes
Published on 8 April 2019

Underrated, yet utterly beautiful, Namibia is one of the world's most interesting destinations. Continuing on with his wonderful descriptions, Dale of The Maritime Explorer takes us with him on a recent Namibia tour with Adventures Abroad. In this post he explores the stark beauty of the Namib Desert and the impressive Sossusvlei sand dunes.

Having just returned from a 10-day trip through Namibia with Canadian travel company Adventures Abroad, I can say without hesitancy that the visit to some of the world’s largest sand dunes at Sossusvlei in the Namib Desert was one of the highlights of the trip.  For someone who left a Canadian winter with temperatures dipping below -20º C (-4ºF) into early March, finding myself in the middle of one of the hottest and driest places on earth a few days later, was simply otherworldly. But it was not in any way an unpleasant experience, in fact the opposite. I actually enjoyed the heat and aridity. Add in the utter silence of the Namib, the sheer beauty of the massive red sand dunes with the sentinel like trees of the Deadvlei at their base combined with the chance to climb one of the tallest dunes on the planet and you’ve got a recipe for a real adventure abroad. Here’s why you will want to make the journey to Sossusvlei.


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Namibia Travel Guide - Exploring Namibia
Published on 1 April 2019

If you have travelled with us, you know our group members comprise of intrepid and intelligent folk who have a sense of wonder about the world around them. We're so lucky to have had Dale from The Maritime Explorer join us on a recent journey to Namibia and Botswana. Read this Namibia travel guide for his take on how the tour went, and some of the highlights of the country.

Alison and I just completed a ten-day tour exploring Namibia with Canadian travel company Adventures Abroad with whom we have traveled many times. Originally Namibia was not high on our travel priority list. Our first trip in 2019 was supposed to be to Southeast Asia, but Alison’s work commitments changed and we had to alter our plans.


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Day of the Dead – Mexico’s Unique Celebration
Published on 4 March 2019

Ever wondered what activities are involved for the Day of the Dead celebration held annually in Mexico? Good news! One of our fantastic group members on a recent journey to Central Mexico with us has summed up his experiences during a Central Mexico tour with us. Thank you to Dale of The Maritime Explorer for allowing us to share this interesting summary.

Alison and I recently returned from the inaugural Central Mexico Tour with Canadian travel company Adventures Abroad. Our reasons for signing up for this trip were numerous, as I wrote in this post. It was to be led by Victor Romagnoli, simply one of the best and most knowledgable travel guides on the planet.


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Mexico City Travel Guide - What You Need To See
Published on 11 February 2019

Mexico City is such a sprawling city, that each of its districts gives a completely different feel. Join us as we discover Zocalo with Dale of The Maritime ExplorerExplore the city with Dale as Mexico City travel guide, as he explores the top sights in the city.

I’ve already written five posts on Mexico City – Templo MayorXochimilcoCoyoacanHacienda Pena Pobre and The National Anthropological Museum and yet I feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface of the myriad attractions of the capitol city. This final post will consist of my random thoughts on various places in the city, most of which are in and around the Centro Histórico which is itself, along with Xochimilco, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Please join me as we ramble around the Zócalo.


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Monte Alban Mexico – Zapotec Stronghold Above Oaxaca
Published on 11 February 2019

On a tour to Central Mexico, we were lucky enough to be joined by Dale from The Maritime Explorer. Here he recounts his visit with us to Monte Alban. 

Working on the Muertes altar

This is my seventh post on a recent almost month long trip to the Central Highlands of Mexico with Canadian tour specialists Adventures Abroad. If you want to know more about Adventures Abroad and why you should consider their Central Mexico with Victor Romagnoli, read this post.  This is also the first post on a destination outside  Mexico City, the amazing centre of the Zapotec civilization, Monte Alban, which sits on a mountain top high above the colonial city of Oaxaca. I hope you’ll read on to find out why this is a must visit site for anyone with an interest in pre-Colombian Meso-America.


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Xochimilco Mexico – Enjoying it Without the Crowds
Published on 14 January 2019

Without a doubt, we love to get away from the crowds. Luckily, we had one with us that likes to document his experiences well. Learn a little from Dale at The Maritime Explorer what a recent stop at Xochimilco Mexico was like, with no crowds to spoil it.

Xochimilco boat poler at workXochimilco has been on my bucket since long before anyone had a bucket list. I first read about this wondrous, watery, flower strewn oasis on the south side of Mexico City in one my early readers that featured chapters on interesting places around the world. I’m not even going to guess how long ago that was, but I did finally get there on a recent trip to Mexico with Canadian tour specialists Adventures Abroad on a tour led by the inestimable Victor Romagnoli. The tour was the inaugural Central Mexico tour featuring Day of the Dead festivities throughout the area. It was one of the best tours I’ve ever been on and if you want to know why, read this post on nine reasons I thought Adventures Abroad was the way to go. The visit to Xochimilco was but one small part of a much bigger picture, but for me, a very important part.


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