Tula Mexico - Mysterious Ancient City of the Toltecs
Published on 1 August 2019

Mexico is a country of endless highlights. Luckily for us, we have one of our travellers - Dale of The Maritime Explorer - to explain his Mexico trip experiences in Tula, the mysterious city of the Toltecs.

Atlantean titans at Toltec Tula pyramids in MexicoWe continue on our amazing  Adventures Abroad journey through central Mexico with veteran guide Victor Romagnoli as our small group approaches the ruins of the ancient Toltec city of Tula.


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Chobe National Park Namibia - Elephants Everywhere!
Published on 1 August 2019

For those that ever dreamed of Africa, here is a great insight from our traveller Dale of The Maritime Explorer about a recent trip to Chobe National Park in Namibia.

hippo family and elephant Chobe River Botswana Namibia Africa

This is my second post on the Chobe River area that stretches along the Caprivi Strip which separates Namibia from Botswana. The first post featured the Chobe Savanna Lodge which, in my opinion, is quite simply one of the most wonderful places anyone could ever want to stay.


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Teotihuacan – Mexico’s Great Pre-Columbian City
Published on 6 July 2019

We love a country that has cultural depth, and Mexico is a fine example of such a country. Many thanks to Dale of The Maritime Explorer for capturing a sense of some of the greatness of Mexico with this wonderful post about Teotihuacan. Many thanks to Dale for also allowing us to share his words and photos with you.

Pyramid of the Moon at Teotihuacan in Mexico

In preparing for this post I reviewed about a dozen other websites to determine what was considered either the best or the most important tourist attraction in Mexico.

The consensus came down quite strongly in favour of Teotihuacán among those sites that were mostly focused on history and culture and not on the hedonism of places like Cancun and Cabo.


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Victoria Falls Tour in Zimbabwe
Published on 16 June 2019

Victoria Falls is known as the 'smoke that thunders' and is among the best waterfalls in the world. Learn why Zimbabwe is such a beautiful stop on our Southern Africa tour with an excellent write up shared with us by Dale of the Maritime Explorer.

aerial view of Victoria Falls helicopter tour Zimbabwe Africa

Victoria Falls Tour With Adventures Abroad

Alison and I have just completed a 12 day tour of Namibia with Canadian tour company Adventures Abroad. Here’s a post giving you all the reasons why this is a must-do trip if you like to get off the beaten track and experience a country that is only now coming into its own as a tourist destination.


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Etosha National Park - Namibia Tour Part 2 - Wildlife Water Holes
Published on 3 June 2019

In a destination as good as Namibia, it is hard summarize just how great it is. Sometimes you need two posts for one event. Following up with his excellent first post, we present another post from Dale of The Maritime Explorer on the watering holes of Namibia.

bull elephant at Etosha National Park Namibia

This is my second post on the famous water holes of Etosha National Park in northern Namibia. This is the final leg of a journey that has taken us from Windhoek to the Namib Desert to the Skeleton Coast to Damaraland and now Etosha.


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Etosha National Park - Touring Namibia’s Wonderful Wildlife Water Holes
Published on 3 June 2019

In a land as dry and large as Namibia, you would think it would be hard to find the animals. Not the case! You just have to know where to look.

Our next installment from Dale of The Maritime Explorer talks all things wildlife and watering hole related. Read on.

Giraffe at Etosha National Park NamibiaThis the seventh post on a recent trip to the fabulous country of Namibia with Canadian travel experts Adventures Abroad. In the course of just over a week our small group has discovered that Namibia is a huge country with a great variety of landscapes.


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